Combo Collections!
A path to your inner peace
Transform your space into a serene sanctuary with our exquisite collection of indoor plants to elevate your surroundings with our vibrant foliage to invigorate your senses and purify the air.
Propagation Bar
Our everlasting propagation bar is fused with artwork in collaboration with Bee Little Wild. We encourage the younger future to get close to nature while nurturing creativity to live life better.
Current Festive Off
Home Decor Services/Tips
Beautify your space with sustainable options
Delivery & Returns
We keep booked items for a week so that you can pick them up at a convenient time
To deliver your favorite products, we have partnered with the most reliable companies. We are ready to entrust them with your orders and are always on your side if something goes wrong.
We will be happy to assist you with eligible returns, the return instructions, and the shipping address. If you need a return or exchange, send us an email so we can discuss a replacement.
Visit Us
Open hours
Mon-Fri 6 PM — 8 PM
Sat-Sun 9 AM-6PM
Find the perfect match for your couch for a reasonable price. Bundle discounts available.