This ultimate statement indoor plant -- Bird of Paradise -- takes plant styling to a new level! Massive leaves form over time with the proper care, creating a tropical focal point, but the flowers are perhaps the most stunning feature of this well-known plant. The gorgeous flowers resemble a bird, the origin of this houseplant’s unique name. Sorry to say that most strelitzia will not bloom indoors, but we are really here for the foliage! When provided with the proper care, the Bird of Paradise can be a fast-growing houseplant that may soon outgrow its setting.
The Bird of Paradise requires bright indirect light, and lots of it. These plants can grow to be very large, and they require a lot of light to bulk up. They also require a lot of light in order to flower indoors, which rarely happens! We suggest to find a setting that will provide at least 6-8 hours of indirect sunlight each day. It is possible for strelitzia to survive in lower light, but it will produce smaller leaves and will not grow quickly. You can plant your Bird of Paradise outdoors, but remember to acclimate them by placing them in the shade for two weeks before relocating them under full sunlight!
Allow the top couple of inches of soil to dry out before watering and when you do water, saturate the soil until excess water drains through the grow pot. Since this houseplant requires lots of bright light, that may cause the soil to dry out more quickly, so be prepared to water the plant more frequently. Cut back on how often the your Bird of Paradise is watered during the fall and winter months.
Comfortable temperatures between 65-85°F are good for Strelitzia nicolai. As a tropical plant, the Bird of Paradise does not like to be cold, so if you bring the plant outdoors for the warmer months, get it back inside before the overnight lows dip below 50°F at night.
The Strelitzia nicolai can live in average humidity, but increased humidity will help this plant thrive. Place the Bird of Paradise in an area that is naturally humid, or use a humidifier or a pebble tray with water to create the ideal environment.