Provide Christmas cacti with 4 to 6 hours of diffused light during winter bloom months. The plant likes sun and shade, but you have to take care not to give it too much of either one. Holiday cacti prefer partial shade or diffused light, although they are adaptable to other conditions. If you expose them to full sunlight, ensure it's during the winter months; too much sunlight in the spring and summer can cause the plant to become pale and yellow.1
Plant your Christmas cactus in a loamy, sandy, perlite mix, cactus mix, or general-purpose potting soil. Soil is not an essential factor; it's adaptable to most soil conditions and grows naturally as an epiphyte in its native region. To achieve optimal growth, it prefers a pH level between 5.5 and 6.2; peat moss is a helpful additive for a more acidic environment.
Water Christmas cacti thoroughly once the soil has completely dried out since its last watering. You will know if the soil is too dry when the leaves start to pucker and shrivel. Allow excess water to run out through the drainage holes.
During a hot, sunny summer, water the plant two to three times a week. If the plant is located in a sunny window during the winter, it might need water once a week. To check the moisture level, place your finger 2 inches into the soil; if it's dry to the touch, water thoroughly. If you keep the plant in a cooler location away from a window during the winter season, it might only need water once every two to three weeks.
During its peak growth months (April to September), Christmas cactus prefers balmy temperatures between 70°F and 80°F. Once the buds are set, it requires low nighttime temperatures (between 55°F and 65°F) and at least 13 hours of darkness to flower. Keep it away from heating vents, frequently-opened doors, and drafty windows; this plant does not like to be exposed to sudden drafts or temperature changes and it will drop its buds or flowers if it's unhappy.2
The Christmas cactus needs ample humidity, especially when grown in the dry conditions of heated homes during the winter. Either mist the plant or place a pebble tray filled with water beneath the pot to boost its humidity levels.